How Do You Know When to Adjust Your Prices?

  Let’s talk pricing.  Did you just cringe a little?  In my experience, nothing gives business owners a case of imposter syndrome faster than having to figure out how to put a value on what they do. A woman I know recently released her first-ever product: an ebook for $47. She strongly believes that the…


Crazy useful list of money mindset resources

  It recently occurred to me that I do a lot of guest-post writing out and about the web, but that I forget to mention it to my Creative Money peeps!  Here is the list of my favorite guest posts: Entrepreneur Posts: What to do when you have no idea what to charge Mind-Money posts:…


3 Secrets to doing money (and love) right

  This is a guest post from my colleague and friend, Diana Dorell, a compassionate, super psychic coach and third-generation medicine woman healer who believes that you can create a five-star life of freedom, love and joy… on  your own terms and regardless of what happened to you in the past. As an intuitive relationship…


How to assess your relationship with money

This is a popular post from a few years ago that I think is worth reviewing as you strive to improve your relationship with money! The best way to assess your relationship with money is to use the same criteria as you would use with any important relationship…how is your behavior expressed through love and…
