Trusting Your Gut: Your 3rd Eye and Your Money

The higher we get in the chakras system, the more intellectual, ethereal, and — well, woo woo the problems and solutions start to get. If you’ve tuned into the blog over the past few weeks, you’ve seen that I’ve been talking about money problems as they relate to each of our chakras — our energy…


Speaking Your Truth and Your Throat Chakra

When it comes to the world of energy and chakras, some make more sense (to me, anyway) than others.  Take your throat chakra, for example: it’s all about speaking your truth out into the world.   Makes sense, right? If we go a little deeper than that, your throat chakra is about your self-truth, what…


Discovering Desire and Your Heart Chakra

  For a lot of people, their heart and their bank accounts seem to exist in two completely different worlds. We’re admonished not to take things personally, not to let our emotions get the best of us, and not to trust our guts when it comes to matters of business or finances.   But the…


Power, Identity and Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Money and power are two of the biggest causes of conflict and drama in our lives, and they are both centered and controlled by your solar plexus chakra, located right between your breast bone and your belly button. If your root chakra has to do with money at its most basic level — surviving from…


Pleasure, Money and Your Sacral Chakra

Last week I started a new series devoted to exploring the relationship between your money energy and your traditional energy centers, or chakras.  Check out the first post on your root chakra here, and don’t forget: you can sign up for my email list and get a free primer on chakras and your money. This…


Money, Scarcity, and Your Root Chakra

  A while back, in the course of my personal studies of energy and spirituality, I started to make some surprising connections. I was learning about the chakras, the seven energy centers in the body as discussed in yoga and similar practices, I started to notice that many of the problems I see coming up…


The Early Holiday Money Roundup

  During this time of year, I actually go back and re-read an old set of blog holiday posts—almost like reviewing journal entries (if you keep one).  These are the posts that remind me to stay sane now that the holidays are coming! It’s so easy to become completely unconscious during the holiday season…we eat…
