The couples and money roundup

All couples argue, but what are couples fighting about the most? According to a 2012 survey from the American Institute of CPAs, money is the most common reason married or cohabiting couples fight. Of over 1,000 American adults polled, 27 percent of participants said that disagreements over finances were most likely to erupt into an…


How to raise your money set point

You arrange your life to match your unconscious expectations of what amount of money you “should” have—this is your money set point. You have an upper limit that prevents you from busting through your comfort zone, and a lower limit that prevents you from financially crashing. Your upper money limit The upper limit is the…


The top 5 ways an entrepreneur wastes money

Running a business and being an entrepreneur means making the most of your money.  But an entrepreneur often makes the mistake of thinking that a business is more expensive to run than it actually is!  The key is to be conscious about what you are spending money on, and to avoid the pitfalls of focusing…


How to increase your wealth this year

For most people, increasing wealth is less about cutting back drastically, and more about capturing opportunity—but you must identify for yourself what opportunities motivate you. What happens more often than not is two things: If you don’t feel like you have something specific motivating you to save money, it slips away If there is excess…
