How to feel more powerful about money

When we don’t feel grounded in our personal power, it tends to affect the decisions we make about money.  Our sense of personal power affects so many areas—our self-worth and self-esteem; as well as our self-confidence when we stand as individuals. Many people become so identified with their primary tribe or community that they become…


How to feel like you deserve more money

One thing that comes up when you work with people and money is that sometimes people think they don’t deserve to have all of the money they want.  This might expand out to other areas of life, such as denying yourself pleasure or enjoyment, or putting others ahead of your own needs. When you DO…


How to be a Money Boss & expect more from your money

I’ve been a financial planner and business owner for almost 16 years and traditional finance services annoys me.  Yes, there are good people there.  But for the most part, it’s sucky.  It’s about minimum investments and products and insurance and asset management and BLAH-BLAH-BLAH…… You start to feel like if you don’t meet someone’s minimum…


Get out of survival mode and into a prosperity mindset

If you’ve ever experienced money struggles (and who hasn’t?), sometimes it’s hard to get out of survival mode and into a prosperity mindset.  I know that when I was going through a rough financial time, it was important to understand my personal dynamic before I could move forward in prosperity. The difference between survival and…


Why your parents need long term care insurance

My client base is mostly Gen X and Gen Y, with a few super cool Baby Boomers thrown in. So I don’t talk about long term care insurance a lot…but I think it’s very important. So this is my public service announcement to get it on your radar! My long term care insurance story My…


The personal finance tool of multi-millionaires

It always amazes me that people think when you make a lot of money, you quit worrying about how you spend it.  Personal finance just doesn’t work like that.  I just had a meeting last night where this multi-millionaire was overjoyed to get set up on Mint.  Over. Joyed.  As I was leaving, I started…
