Top 8 no-brainer moves for your money

Ever once in awhile, I realize that I’ve fallen into bad habits. I spent WAY too much money on coffee shops and eating out last month. I forgot to max-fund my health savings account (so now I am playing catch-up). The point is, even someone who looks at this stuff every day needs to remind…


The Holiday Money Roundup

It’s so easy to become completely unconscious during the holiday season…we eat too much, spend too much and experience WAY too much stress as the year closes out. We all have this image of the “perfect” scenario, and do what we can to try and fulfill it. Sometimes all of that expectation is too much.…


How to give yourself a raise

The most important aspect of money is maximizing your income through your career or self employment. I see all-too-frequently people who are not being clear about the value they bring to their work—which ultimately hurts their entire financial situation. It’s important that you make the connection between how you talk about yourself and how it…


How to avoid self sabotage with your money

I’ve mentioned before that I have been watching this awesome new sitcom called Mom. It stars Anna Faris and Allison Janney, and they are daughter and mother—-both recovering addicts—-going through all of the challenges that addicts generally face when working through sobriety. I love this show! A few weeks ago, Anna Faris’s character Christy realized…


Have financial problems? Do this…

I’ve been watching this awesome new sitcom this fall called Mom. It stars Anna Faris and Allison Janney, and the premise is they are mother and daughter—-both recovering addicts—-going through all of the challenges that addicts generally face when working through sobriety. In case it doesn’t sound like it, let me tell you, they are…


How to avoid the 6 most common money blocks

I was just talking to a client who said, “I would give up all of the money I am making this year if I could make things right with my daughter.” She noticed when her business was doing really well, things with her family would start to fall apart, and vice versa. She knew what she…


5 Signs You Are Ready For Investing

I admit it…I don’t find investing as sexy as many people do. And I have seen the experts beaten too many times to get attached to any particular method, other than don’t-put-all-your-metaphoric-eggs-in-the-same-asset-class. But I DO have some rules of thumb, some guidelines that I try to follow before recommending that someone take their hard-earned cashola…


Are you a #MoneyRebel?

Several years ago, I was having coffee with a friend. She asked me how it was going with expanding my online presence. I hadn’t done it yet—not enough time, too busy with local clients, yadda, yadda, yadda. She said, “I know you really want to get online, and you said it’s important to you, but…
