Why Men Paying For Dates Isn’t A Money Issue

New research presented at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting found that 84 percent of men and 58 percent of women say men pay for most entertainment expenses — even after they have been dating for some time. And while 57 percent of women say they offer to help pay, 39 percent admitted that they…


The most important factor in wealth building

Someone recently asked me what I thought was the most important factor in financial management and wealth building, and I told them it was consistency.  That doesn’t seem very sexy in the world of finance, but more than anything, it’s how you attain extraordinary financial results. Why Consistency Builds Wealth When I first started out…


6 Ways @TheBloggess Makes Good Financial Sense

For those of you who don’t know her, @TheBloggess aka Jenny Lawson is the funniest woman on the planet—unless you’re easily offended, then you should probably just skip this post and all of the links.  She wrote a memoir called Let’s Pretend This Never Happened which made me laugh so hard I couldn’t read it…


How To Start A Business That Cannot Fail

When I was working on my masters in business, we had to write a lot of startup business plans. It all felt very hypothetical, so I had trouble seeing that writing a business plan was how to start a business effectively. It seemed like an exercise in writing, numbers and organization. When I actually became…


Budgeting Software Options

Researching your budgeting software options can be overwhelming if you’re just getting started. I believe that whatever is the most easily executable option—meaning that you can get set up and manage it consistently—wins out over anything else. The point is to get started, because that is the hardest part (or should be). When it comes…


How To Budget

I admit it: I think writing about how to budget is one of the most boring things ever.  There are plenty of frugalistas and budgeting mavens out there without me piling on.  But when thinking about what to write about this week, I realized that if I look back at the last 20 people I…
