Top 5 Financial Planning Tips for Entrepreneurs

People seem to have a clear idea of what they want for themselves when it comes to financial planning for their personal life, A.K.A, “personal finance,” but a lot of entrepreneurs ask me, what does it mean to do financial planning for your business?  Here are the 6 areas you should know about. Financial Planning For…


Should You Stay In A Controlling Relationship?

When you’re having relationship or money issues it’s often a mask for controlling behavior. However, in spite of the negative connotations of “controlling,” there is nothing wrong with maintaining a relationship with a controlling person. Or maybe the term is, recovering controlling person—a controlling person willing to work on their issues. Not All Control Freaks…


Regrouping Is Part of The Process

Setting goals and planning for success is easy. It’s FUN to imagine what the world will look like when you reach your goals. Yet many of us—me included—tend to become short-sighted over what happens when your plan is NOT working. Instead of regrouping as part of the planning process, we tend to abandon it altogether.…


Why Downtime Is Essential To Money Peace

For a lot of people who work hard for their money, they see downtime as a luxury they can’t afford. Downtime is frivolous. Downtime isn’t goal driven. Downtime might even be a detriment to your “status,” because successful people are perceived as being very busy. The past several years, many people have had ENFORCED downtime—it’s…


Four Simple Steps To More Conscious Spending

Budgeting is a lot like dieting—it might yield some immediate support, but actually prevent us from succeeding in the long-term. Why? Because budgeting prevents us from reaching the ultimate goal of spending consciously. The Problem With Budgeting Budgets can be very motivating when you think you’re makingchanges that will increase cash flow immediately. The problem,…


Starting The Budgeting Process

When starting the budgeting process, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the little decisions that come up before you’ve even started to track one cent. To streamline the “getting started” phase, I recommend taking eight specific steps: Go high tech. Managing the budgeting process in a low tech way simply means keeping a…


Fear and Anxiety Around Your Money

When you feel fear or anxiety around your money, it’s important to distinguish between the manufactured fear and anxiety your brain generates because of disappointment over your cash flow, portfolio or home value, versus the fear and anxiety you feel because you need to take (or avoid) action. People’s fear and anxiety become a constant inner monologue; reviewing…
