How To Evaluate Performance of Your Mutual Fund

When it comes to mutual fund investing, many people ask me how to evaluate the performance and quality of their mutual funds in their brokerage account, 401(k) IRAs, etc. Simply evaluating performance in terms of rates of return can be disappointing in our current environment; additionally, it doesn’t speak to an overall investment philosophy or…


Money and the Blame Game

Lots of people play the blame game with money—you blame the person who “owed” you because you worked so hard, or tolerated something else that you thought would bring a greater payoff—but whenever you play the blame game, you miss the opportunity to gain more power, control and peace over your money. And when you…


Recovering From Personal Budget Abandonment

No one can ever be perfect with their personal budget; there will always be moments when you choose to overspend in a certain area, because something holds a higher priority for you than sticking to your budget. This can be either a conscious or unconscious decision. But getting back on track doesn’t have to be…


How To Make A Budget That Lasts

If you are going to figure out how to make a budget that lasts, you can’t just jump to categorizing and slashing expenses—that’s a lot like jumping into a diet and following a certain regime without really understanding the “why” behind your eating—it’s not a sustainable solution. Just like with eating, you have to understand…


Shame and Money Secrets

Money secrets are some of the most shame-filled secrets we keep.  We’ve all heard that “the truth will set you free,” however, I believe that there are two kinds of money secrets we keep:  the ones we keep because it’s inconvenient to tell the truth and the ones we keep because we don’t want to…


How To Forgive Money Mistakes

Remembering and regretting money mistakes–instead of forgiving and forgetting–can actually hurt your efforts toward financial improvement. Anger is not a bad emotion; there are no bad emotions. However, when anger transitions from a physiological response into an ongoing grudge toward someone or something—or even toward yourself—it can destroy any progress you are trying to make…


The struggle between Ego and Money

What part of the financial world has the most potential to derail a person’s personal finances? Is it political or economical? No . . . I believe that the greatest threat to a person’s financial happiness and well-being is the threat of Ego. What is Ego? According to Eckhart Tolle, the ego is the habitual…


Upgrade Your Money With Feng Shui

Feng shui is all about creating good energy in your home, and the result will be prosperity and abundance in all areas of your life. So if you want to attract more money, then create an abundant, prosperous, energy in your home. Suggestions include using the feng shui money frog, placing furniture a certain way,…


Law of Attraction, Manifesting Abundance And Money Meltdowns

When people focus on the spiritual law of attraction and manifesting abundance, they reach a point where they are feeling positive and want to continue to feel positive, so they tend to squelch negative reactions and emotions. I understand it. If a person tastes the freedom you get when you leave behind the groove of…
