Budgeting Software Options

Researching your budgeting software options can be overwhelming if you’re just getting started. I believe that whatever is the most easily executable option—meaning that you can get set up and manage it consistently—wins out over anything else. The point is to get started, because that is the hardest part (or should be). When it comes…

How To Budget

I admit it: I think writing about how to budget is one of the most boring things ever.  There are plenty of frugalistas and budgeting mavens out there without me piling on.  But when thinking about what to write about this week, I realized that if I look back at the last 20 people I…

Four Simple Steps To More Conscious Spending

Budgeting is a lot like dieting—it might yield some immediate support, but actually prevent us from succeeding in the long-term. Why? Because budgeting prevents us from reaching the ultimate goal of spending consciously. The Problem With Budgeting Budgets can be very motivating when you think you’re makingchanges that will increase cash flow immediately. The problem,…

Starting The Budgeting Process

When starting the budgeting process, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the little decisions that come up before you’ve even started to track one cent. To streamline the “getting started” phase, I recommend taking eight specific steps: Go high tech. Managing the budgeting process in a low tech way simply means keeping a…