How To Create A Money Management Process

With full-time jobs, raising kids and the general chaos of living your life, sometimes the Important-But-Not-Urgent things get lost in the shuffle. That’s why I LOVED it when one of my clients told me about their process…they finally started having regular “money dates” when they scheduled it to happen 30 minutes before Game of Thrones…

What Is Your Money Intention?

I have found there are five essential ingredients for a productive and prosperous money attitude: Consciousness You can’t fulfill or reinforce your intentions for money until you’re crystal clear about what is happening. But consciousness doesn’t mean getting lost in the minutiae of money management — especially if you do things like balancing your checkbook…

How To Lower Your Tax Anxiety

I do not prepare tax returns, but as a financial planner, I understand taxes and can help my clients with their tax strategy. And it’s that time of year when many of you are about to freak out about your tax return. Now is when all of those TV ads pop up, warning you that…

How To Stop The Money Struggle

What does struggling with money look like? If you’re constantly confused by money, stressed over money, playing catch up with money, uncertain about it, feeling guilty about it… They’re all signs that you’re likely having some money struggles. Unless you get a handle on your anxiety, it will continue to rule your financial life.  Even…