How to set better money goals

As everything winds down for the holiday season and people start thinking of their New Year’s resolutions, I want to shift your thinking about how you go about setting goals and resolutions. Because resolutions…they sort of suck. Studies show that fewer than 8% of people who set New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them. But there…

ESG & SRI Investing

Environmental Social Governance Investing (ESG) and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) are fraught with misunderstanding. When I was first coming up as a planner, your only options were extremely expensive mutual funds. Now, you can invest in a relatively low-cost portfolio, but I still see confusion about oversight and to what extent these funds meet the…

Money and Survival Mode

Do you count the days until payday, and then watch all the money drain from your bank account to pay the bills the minute it arrives? Are you in a constant state of financial cha-cha; one step forward, but two steps back? If this sounds familiar, you’re in survival mode. It’s the place that anyone…

Money and Power

Money and power are two of the biggest causes of conflict and drama in our lives. Lots of people right now are in survival mode, but when you are no longer worried about just survival, you tend to think about money within the context of status, ego, personal fulfillment, and power. Power isn’t bad necessarily,…

An Umbrella Policy for a Rainy Day

There are many types of insurance policies floating around out there and it can be overwhelming to figure out what makes sense for you. Health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance – oh my! One often overlooked insurance coverage is the personal liability umbrella policy, aka PLUP. The benefit of a PLUP is that it can…

Have You Updated Your Beneficiaries Recently?

Without a doubt, reminding our clients to update beneficiary designations is the most consistent reminder we give them. As we are perusing statements for financial plans, we constantly see missing or old beneficiaries on different accounts. Why do so many people have this issue of outdated or missing beneficiaries? Perhaps you made a will and…