Do You *Deserve* To Have More Money?

One thing that comes up when you work with people and money is that sometimes people think they don’t deserve to have all of the money they want. This might extend to other areas of life, such as denying yourself pleasure or enjoyment or putting others ahead of your own needs. When you DO feel…

Small Effort, Big Results

What is one thing people could do for their money that takes a relatively small effort but has big results? Here’s what our planners said: Joann Nieciecki: ‘Embracing my inner planner here, but planning ahead for big-ticket items like vacations or new cars. Mapping out the upcoming few years truly brings clarity to how a new…

The Money Saving Brainstorm

Recently, I have noticed a trend with my clients: I am issuing challenges with saving money. This happens because I see how much they are making and what monthly ballpark expenses are, so it would make sense if they could save $X each month. Why not try? Sometimes they can, sometimes they can’t—but that’s good…