Money and Survival Mode

Do you count the days until payday, and then watch all the money drain from your bank account to pay the bills the minute it arrives? Are you in a constant state of financial cha-cha; one step forward, but two steps back? If this sounds familiar, you’re in survival mode. It’s the place that anyone…

Overcoming Analysis Paralysis

As an investor, you may be experiencing a phenomenon known as “analysis paralysis”. What exactly is analysis paralysis? It can be described as over-analyzing or overthinking a situation that causes a decision to be “paralyzed” with no solution being acted upon. We are seeing this in recent market activity where investors retreat to more safe…

Do You *Deserve* To Have More Money?

One thing that comes up when you work with people and money is that sometimes people think they don’t deserve to have all of the money they want. This might extend to other areas of life, such as denying yourself pleasure or enjoyment or putting others ahead of your own needs. When you DO feel…

What are your Holiday “Buttons”?

Here we go, into the year end (2023 was a whirlwind, wasn’t it?) … hopefully it’s been a good year personally, in spite of all of the external goings ons… stress makes us all less patient and more trigger-happy on our emotional outbursts. And since the holidays are also a stressful time of interacting with…


I know the title of this post seems really harsh, and for some people, maybe it needs to be. The point is if you keep making excuses why you aren’t reaching your money goals, you will never reach them (and BTW, I am not talking to people who systematically live paycheck to paycheck or are…

Do you use money to hurt yourself?

We’ve all heard that money is a tool to help us get what we want, but… what do you want? Do you want to “treat-yo-self” because you’re only just tolerating the job you’re required to do? Do you shop online WAY too much because it’s easier to do that than it is to take a…

How To Assess Your Money Energy

Last blog post I talked a little about how your energy can affect your money decisions. We’ll continue that discussion this week, with another tool to help you assess your energy so that you can continue to improve your results around money. Energy self-assessment I am going to pose a scenario. Don’t get caught up in…