Why is Financial Planning Important?

There is a popular adage often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, the father of time management, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” I think a lot of people believe that financial planning is only for the wealthy — which may be true, but only for a lot of financial planners.  Before I left my last…


Who or What is Your Money To You?

When I went through my coach training, we used various metaphor tools to help illuminate how we felt about different areas of our lives. An example of this would be to consider your answer to the following question: If your money was a person, place or thing to you, what would it be? Click To…


The Top 5 Reasons To Eliminate Holiday Gifts

When was the last time you read (or watched) “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”? If you find yourself rushing from store to store, spending more than you can really afford on gifts, disappointed by the reactions of people when you give, and then horrified by your credit card statements come January, it might be worth…


How to (GASP!) Give Up Holiday Gifts

How many times have you sat around the day after Christmas and vowed that next year — next year — you aren’t going to go so far overboard with gifts and STUFF…that you will scale back on gifts?  Maybe it’s the environmental guilt you see at the trash bags full of wrapping and packaging out…
