Avoid the Financial Fear Smear

The other day I asked a health professional one simple question. ONE QUESTION. And he proceeded to talk for the next 15 minutes about all of the ways people should be more afraid of this specific thing I asked about, how basically we were all screwed. Apparently he was very passionate about this topic. When…


How to Fail Successfully

When was the last time you failed? No, you don’t have to say it out loud if you’re embarrassed.  But I want you to think about it: What do you consider your most recent failure? And how does it make you feel? Many people think of failure as the undesirable result of something they attempted,…


How to Make Money Disappear with FOMO

For those of us not familiar with the acronym, FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out. And if you’ve got it, it’s costing you money. I’ve been talking to a lot of people lately who experiencing serious FOMO about something.   Multiple people have expressed concern about missing out on: Buying a home while real estate…


Do I Suck for Having Debt?

There is so much shame attached to money problems, and debt in particular. “I should have known better…” “How could I have let it get this far?” “I’m so irresponsible…” “I can’t be trusted.” Whenever I speak with a potential client who is struggling to pay off debt (and it doesn’t matter how big the…


Get Out of the Money Struggle Mindset

Are you constantly fighting with your bank account? If you’re constantly confused by money, playing catchup with money, uncertain about it, feeling guilty about it… They’re all signs that you’re struggling.   And even people who have plenty of money can find themselves in a struggle with it. Even those who aren’t living paycheck to…


Don’t Be at the Mercy of Your Money

A while ago, I had a prospect say to me, “Mindy, this service is not cheap.  Are you sure this will be worth it for me?” Honestly?  Not at all… I can’t promise any kind of particular results when someone works with me on their personal finances, mostly because I’m not their mother and not…


Declaration of Money

  Anyone else a fan of The Office? Remember that bit when Michael “declared” bankruptcy?   This is nothing like that. OK, well, it is a little bit. Because I want you to create your Declaration of Money to help get your personal finances under control. What is a declaration of money? It’s more than…
