How to get your kid to pay for college

Today I am interviewing Bree Daigneault who is a freshman at Western Washington University.  The reason why she may be of interest to you is because she fully funded her first year of school herself.  That’s right.  She worked HARD to make it happen and I couldn’t be more impressed. A few weeks ago we…


Worrying About Money Doesn’t Get You More Of It

If you knew everything was going to be okay, what would you do differently with your money? Now, please don’t take this as everything-is-going-to-be-okay-so- I-bear-no-personal-responsibility-for-anything.  I am NOT talking about a universal, get-out-of-jail-free card…I am talking about wisdom. Wisdom is what you acquire when you’ve been around long enough to screw up multiple times, and…


How to trust your gut when it comes to money

Do you trust yourself to know what is the right thing to do with your money? Yes, this is why some people choose to consult a financial planner…but what if the financial planner’s advice doesn’t feel right to you?  To you trust yourself enough to NOT follow advice? Can you separate another person’s agenda from…
