I know the title of this post seems really harsh, and for some people, maybe it needs to be.  The point is if you keep making excuses why you aren’t reaching your money goals, you will never reach them (and BTW, I am not talking to people who systematically live paycheck to paycheck; I am…


Gear Up to Get in Shape in 2020

Often I write things for my blog that maybe our actual client base doesn’t need to prioritize as much here in the economically vibrant, high-tech, dual-income world of Seattle. However, I believe that we can ALL be better with our spending and debt management. And since I know there are still TONS of people who…


7 Ways Your Money Is Like Your Health

I’ve been reflecting on my fitness journey over the past few years…now, to be clear, I am not ULTRA FIT…I am just healthier, smaller and darn proud of making regular exercise a commitment in my life. If you’re interested, you can read about it in my book that launched on Amazon last week. But for…


Save Money AND Do The Holidays RIGHT

You might have guessed that since I am a planner professionally, that carries over into my personal life (which is a whole other thing than being organized…I can PLAN how I want things to go, but for some reason I am always running out of batteries and light bulbs…so I choose my battles). So YES,…


What Most People Get Wrong About Money

There is one point about money that is more important than any other, and that’s to understand what is required to generate wealth. Financial planning only matters if you have the potential to produce money in the first place. It’s like a car with no gas…how far do you think you’ll get, expecting the engine…


What Financial Goal Completion Actually Looks Like

It’s downright thrilling to watch clients implement on a financial plan and reach their goals! Now, you might think…wow, someone increased their savings into the 401k, that’s UH-MAZING MINDY!!! (not). Okay, yes, I’m a bit of a nerd…when someone pays off debt, or achieves a new level of confidence in their finances, I admit, that…


Stop Using “Meaning” As Your Money Excuse

When you’re not making a lot of money, or feel like you’re in a survival situation, I think it’s useful to be self aware. Reflective of how you got there. BUT – just because people are in a better money situation than you, doesn’t mean they “did” any particular thing better than you. So why…


A Foolproof Method To Crush Your Money Blocks

The mind is a powerful thing. More than any outside circumstances, your mind is the reason you make questionable money decisions (but it’s okay, we all do it!).  A client said recently, “I would give up all of the money I am making this year if I could make things right with my daughter.” She…
