Do You Worry About Money All Of The Time?

Are you constantly worried about your bank account? Do you feel guilty when you buy something that is non-essential? Do you feel you are constantly playing catch-up with your money?  Even people who have plenty of money can find themselves worrying about it. Even those who aren’t living paycheck to paycheck, who don’t have crushing…


Create Your Debt Payoff Plan

Last blog I talked about how people need to eliminate the shame they feel around their debt in order to have the right mindset to pay it off. Essentially, to prepare to pay off debt, you must: Be out of survival mode and feeling like life has returned to (somewhat) normal Working from a place of…


When Paying Off Debt, Start With Mindset

There is so much shame attached to money problems, and debt in particular. “I should have known better…” “How could I have let it get this far?” “I’m so irresponsible…” “I can’t be trusted.” Whenever I speak with a potential client who is struggling to pay off debt (and it doesn’t matter how big the…


Don’t FOMO All Of Your Money Away

FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out. And if you’ve got it, it’s costing you money.  I’ve been talking to a lot of people lately who are experiencing serious FOMO about something.  Multiple people have expressed concern about missing out on: Buying a home while real estate prices are low Buying a home in case…


How Are You “Using” Money?

We’ve all heard that money is a tool to help us get what we want, but… what do you want? Do you want to “treat-yo-self” because you’re only just tolerating the job you’re required to do? Do you shop online WAY too much because it’s easier to do that than it is to take a…


There Is No Perfect Way With Money

I get asked ALL OF THE TIME for the best personal finance book out there (uh, mine!). But it really depends on your criteria, doesn’t it? Also…I hate that question because I don’t think reading a book is going to help. I don’t believe that you can approach personal finance like a topic in school…which…


What Is Your Money Intention?

I have found there are five essential ingredients for a productive and prosperous money attitude: Consciousness You can’t fulfill or reinforce your intentions for money until you’re crystal clear about what is happening. But consciousness doesn’t mean getting lost in the minutiae of money management — especially if you do things like balancing your checkbook…


Are You Making These 3 Money Mistakes?

When you have a major money decision to make, what criteria do you use to determine what is the right course of action? Most people don’t have a formal guide of intent for their money. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that most people don’t approach their finances with any kind of…
