What Do You WANT Your Money To Be For You?

When I went through my coaching training, we used various metaphor tools to help illuminate how we felt about different areas of our lives. An example of this would be to consider your answer to the following question: If your money was a person, place, or thing to you, what would it be? Some of…


Time To Get Intentional About Your Money

As everything winds down for the holiday season and people start thinking of their New Year’s resolutions, I want to shift your thinking about how you go about setting goals and resolutions. Because resolutions…they sort of suck. Studies show that fewer than 8% of people who set New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them. But there…


Your Buy Local Holiday Guide

Since we’re moving into the holiday season still all pandemic-y and virus-y, now is a great time to support local businesses as you SHIP your gifts to extended family, PICK UP food and quarantine, and hunker down for the holidays. Just to be helpful, I put together a list of some local Seattle (or regional)…


How To Make The Holiday More Meaningful

How many times have you sat around the day after Christmas and vowed that next year — next year — you aren’t going to go so far overboard with STUFF… that you will scale back on gifts? Maybe you felt empty last year, even in the face of all of that abundance. Maybe it’s the…


Are You a Co-Dependent Spender?

What a year, huh? We’re in the home stretch now… and hopefully, people can take some time and regroup after a super-stressful year.  And even with record unemployment, I’m not seeing a lot of efforts to SAVE money on gift-giving; more often, people are thinking of this as the perfect time of year to practice…


What Are Your Emotional Money Buttons?

Next week holds another election cycle for us, in addition to all of the regular everyday stress we feel. AND, we’re moving into the end of year holidays, can you believe it?  This year has rushed by…and not in a good way. 2020 pretty much has sucked up until now. Stress makes us all less…


Top 6 Investing Mistakes and What To Do Instead

Ah, Wall Street.  Playground of billionaires and the only place in the world where 1+1 can equal 3 or -47. Sometimes on the same day. Is it any wonder that one of the most nerve-wracking tasks of financial planning can be understanding how to invest your 401k, IRA, or other accounts? In fact, I think…


Do You Have Financial FOMO?

I’ve been talking to a lot of people lately who are experiencing a serious “Fear of Missing Out” or “FOMO” about something. Multiple people have expressed concern about missing out on: Buying a home while real estate prices are still low (in Seattle, haha! Hang on, let me get my time machine and transport you…


Eliminate shame to eliminate debt

There is so much shame attached to money problems and debt in particular. Even when external factors are involved like, say, a GLOBAL PANDEMIC, people get down on themselves. Whenever I speak with a potential client who is struggling to pay off debt (and it doesn’t matter how big the debt is), I can usually…
