Financial Advice Might Seem Insensitive Right Now

Full disclosure – I write these blog posts in advance. That means that whatever I am vibing a month to 6 weeks ago? That’s what you get on the blog.  Right now, there is so much uncertainty happening in our country – recession, unemployment, viral pandemic…the least of which is stock market related. I mean,…


Set Your Money Boundaries

The other day I asked a health professional one simple question. ONE QUESTION. And he proceeded to talk for the next 15 minutes about all of the ways people should be more afraid of this specific thing I asked about, how basically we were all screwed. Apparently he was very passionate about this topic. When…


Make Your Kids Successful With Money

What did you learn from your parents about money? Did your parents teach you how to balance a checkbook? Make a budget? Not to use a credit card? There are probably two sides to this coin: what they actually taught you and what you picked up from them as attitudes, fears, and habits. Which begs…


End Your Money Struggle

What does struggling with money look like? If you’re constantly confused by money, stressed over money, playing catch up with money, uncertain about it, feeling guilty about it… They’re all signs that you’re likely having some money struggles. And unless you get a handle on your anxiety, it will continue to rule your financial life.…


Stop Getting Emotional About Your Money

A while ago, I had a prospect say to me, “Mindy, this service is not cheap.  Are you sure this will be worth it for me?” Honestly? Not at all… I can’t promise any kind of particular results when someone works with me on their personal finances, mostly because I’m not their mother and not…


Financial Success Takes Practice

I get asked ALL OF THE TIME for the best personal finance book out there (uh, mine!).  But it really depends on your criteria, doesn’t it? I don’t believe that you can approach personal finance like a topic in school…which is the way a lot of people start out trying to do it. You think…


How To Align Financial Priorities With Action

This week, I want to walk you through how to align your financial priorities with action. Why? Because it will completely change how you approach every aspect of your life that has to do with money. See, I firmly believe that the way personal finance is taught these days just sucks — and mostly doesn’t…


Five Things To Be Awesome With Money

I talk a lot about money mindset – being aware of how you think about money is extremely important to being successful with it. However – thoughts without action? They don’t get you anywhere. This means you need MORE than just a philosophy; you need your mindset to match action.  I’d go so far as…
