Make Your Money Work For You

The past few weeks I have been talking a lot about financial planning.  And I hope it’s clear now that financial planning is not about products, or investments, or even about deprivation.  It’s not about feeling that you need to “do” something; instead, it’s about getting urgent about your results with money. Instead of working…


Do You Need a Financial Planner?

Have you ever noticed that money tends to disappear unless you pay attention to it?  It’s true.  (And it’s that dreadful feeling we get when we look at our bank statement at the end of the month and think, “Where did it all go…?”) That’s why it’s essential that you have clarity around what you…


Why is Financial Planning Important?

There is a popular adage often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, the father of time management, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” I think a lot of people believe that financial planning is only for the wealthy — which may be true, but only for a lot of financial planners.  Before I left my last…


Who or What is Your Money To You?

When I went through my coach training, we used various metaphor tools to help illuminate how we felt about different areas of our lives. An example of this would be to consider your answer to the following question: If your money was a person, place or thing to you, what would it be? Click To…
