The 5 Ways Your Money Might Be Seducing You

Last week I suffered the indignity of having my car break down on me! Well, a flat tire… Actually, it wasn’t a bad experience at all…people kept stopping to ask if I needed help; it was a rare, sunny Seattle day; and other than missing a phone appointment I had been looking forward to, nothing…


The Top 6 Money Problems for Couples

Confronting money problems for couples is pretty common relationship territory.  If you and your partner are like most couples, chances are, you argue about money sometimes. Numerous studies have shown that money fights predict divorce rates.  Based on a 2004 study by SmartMoney Magazine, here is what sparks the six most common types of problems:…


15 Ways To Improve Your Relationship With Money

What is the best way to improve your relationship with money? The answer to that is the same as the answer to how you would go about improving ANY relationship—through love. You can’t enjoy a good relationship with money unless you’re willing to love it, through thick and thin. Love As Behavior, Not Emotion Love…


5 Ways That T-Rex & Yoga Eliminate Money Drama

Last Monday morning, I felt awful. It wasn’t about money drama, but all the same, I was grumpy and angry–for no good reason I could identify! I couldn’t figure out what was causing the negativity, which made me even MORE angry that I couldn’t just “be aware” and knock myself out of my angst. I…


5 Ways To Release Your Money Story

It’s hard for all of us to release our stories–especially our own personal money story. I recently had a personal release with a family story, that I realized the process I experienced could be applied to anyone’s money story for a better release. I’ve had a tough road with my father. Not because of anything…


Nine Ways To Stop Struggling With Money

Last week I referenced a quote from Will Smith that is extremely relevant to the way we think when we’re struggling with money: Money and success don’t change people, they just amplify what is already there. Click To Tweet People have lots of ideas about how they would want money to amplify things in a…


Five Ways To Stop Giving Holiday Gifts

My family hasn’t given holiday gifts to each other for years and when we stopped, the holidays went from stressful and expensive to a time when we could relax and enjoy each other. Recently, some blog readers asked me how we got to that point—how did we have the conversation that initiated the change so…
