Insanely useful money resources roundup

Here’s a little roundup of money resources I’ve come across and bookmarked for you!  Read on… The Simple Dollar’s Trent Hamm did an awesome post recently: Everything I’ve Learned About Personal Finance in 10 Sentences (super useful if you’re inching your way into thinking about this stuff!) For entrepreneurs, if you’re building a business, you might…


How to avoid being a victim of fraud

Last week, I was looking over what charges had cleared my business checking account, and I came across something odd: a charge for $80 at a Kroger’s in Cold Springs, Kentucky. I wasn’t in Kentucky (I’m in Seattle), so clearly someone had perpetrated fraud on my account! I immediately called my bank and had them…


Are you at risk for a tax audit? (roundup)

This week I decided to do a roundup of timely and relevant articles about your money and taxes! What are the chances of a tax audit? Eighteen million calls to the Internal Revenue will go unanswered, and more than half of people’s letters will take over a month to respond to, according to IRS Commissioner…


The truth about your tax return

I do not prepare tax returns, nor do I play a CPA on TV.  But as a financial planner, I understand taxes and have been around enough to help with tax strategy.  And it’s that time of year when I want to punch financial services providers in the neck for making you freak out about…
