Getting Back Into Good Money Habits

It’s SO HARD to get back into good routines after the holiday season (Sugar! Carbs! Chocolate! Spending too much!) but I have found it’s useful to take smaller steps and find something to re-energize yourself around your money goals in January. You don’t have to do things exactly the same every single month–some months you…


How To Stop The Money Struggle

What does struggling with money look like? If you’re constantly confused by money, stressed over money, playing catch up with money, uncertain about it, feeling guilty about it… They’re all signs that you’re likely having some money struggles. Unless you get a handle on your anxiety, it will continue to rule your financial life.  Even…


What Do You Want Your Money To Be To You?

When I went through my life-coach training, we used various metaphor tools to help illuminate how we felt about different areas of our lives. An example of this would be to consider your answer to the following question:  If your money was a person, place, or thing to you, what would it be?  Some of…


Don’t Make Resolutions, Do This Instead

As everything winds down for the holiday season and people start thinking of their New Year’s resolutions, I want to shift your thinking about how you go about setting goals and resolutions. Because resolutions…they sort of suck. Studies show that fewer than 8% of people who set New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them. But there…


The 5 Things You Need For Financial Success

Many people might think that financial success is all about the money…I mean, yes, it is? In that it matters how much you can keep. And the more you keep, the more you can leverage that savings. But aside from investing strategy, there is so, soooooo much more to being financially successful. You might be…


Best Holiday Year End Ever

You might have guessed that since I am a planner professionally, that carries over into my personal life (which is a whole other thing than being organized…I can PLAN how I want things to go, but for some reason I am always running out of batteries and light bulbs…so I choose my battles). So YES,…


Don’t Let Your Buttons Get Pushed This Season

Midterms, market, all this STUFF happening, in addition to all of the regular everyday stress we feel. AND, we’re moving into the end of year holidays, can you believe it?  This year has rushed by…and for me, not in a good way. 2022 was not my best year. Stress makes us all less patient and…
