How to deal with financial failure

When was the last time you failed? No, you don’t have to say it out loud if you’re embarrassed.  But I want you to think about it: What do you consider your most recent failure? And how does it make you feel? Before Mint came out, I failed at using Quicken about 15 times.  I…


Little Ways to Save For Your First Home

  You might be thinking that saving for a house, especially one in the Seattle market, is going to take more than a couple “little” steps. And you’re completely right! Saving for a home requires a carefully thought out financial plan of responsible saving and investing. Let’s say you’re already on the right track in…


Fear of Missing Out is wasting your money

  I’ve been talking to a lot of people lately who are experiencing serious “Fear of Missing Out” or “FOMO” about something.   Multiple people have expressed concern about missing out on: Buying a home while real estate prices are still low (in Seattle, haha! Hang on, let me get my time machine and transport you…


Does shame make you take on more debt?

  There is so much shame attached to money problems, and debt in particular. “I should have known better…” “How could I have let it get this far?” “I’m so irresponsible…” “I can’t be trusted.” Whenever I speak with a potential client who is struggling to pay off debt (and it doesn’t matter how big…


What is a Financial Plan Anyway?

  Meet Sam Kirby, one of my favorite people in the world and a financial planner here at Creative Money!  Sam sees clients in the Seattle-Bellevue area and makes her home in Bellingham where she has lived for 17 years with her husband Damien and three kids.  For the next four weeks she will be…
