What is Your Money Attitude?

When you have a major money decision to make, what criteria do you use to determine what is the right course of action? Most people don’t have a formal expression of intent for their money. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that most people don’t approach their finances with any kind of…


Self-Awareness is the Key to Wealth Building

Financial planning and money coaching do not necessarily go hand-in-hand. Sometimes people just want the facts, ma’am…where do I put what money and into which bucket, thankyouverymuch. However, when people can’t seem to save money for whatever reason, it’s usually not logistical – it’s emotional. Energetic. Behavioral. Sometimes I can help people identify their attitudes…


How To Assess Your Money Energy

Last blog post I talked a little about how your energy can affect your money decisions. We’ll continue that discussion this week, with another tool to help you assess your energy so that you can continue to improve your results around money. Energy self-assessment I am going to pose a scenario. Don’t get caught up in…


Are You Aware of Your Money Energy?

Money and your attitude go hand-in-hand. Maybe ten years ago, if I’d said this in a room full of people, I would’ve gotten a lot of blank stares or been laughed off the stage. Nowadays, I think more people are willing to connect the dots between their thoughts, their energy, and their money. Way back…


The Four Rules of Money Success – Rule #4

Last week we talked about giving yourself permission to want things… things you might be afraid you can’t have. This week we’re encouraging you to DO SOMETHING. Because taking action with your money is more important than knowledge or inspiration. The problem with personal finance is, it’s hard to get inspired by it. Sort of…


The Four Rules of Money Success – Rule #3

Last week we talked about losing your money shame and judgment because it’s impossible to do justice to your future if you’re stuck in the past. This week we’re helping you do that, but encouraging you to look to your money future! Most people don’t get excited about money in and of itself… Except for…


The Four Rules of Money Success – Rule #2

Last week we talked about confronting your money fears. This week, we’re talking about your money shame or judgment. And you need to stop that B.S.! Have you ever heard of someone getting MORE done and being MORE successful because someone was judging them, or they were judging themselves? Quit judging yourself for where you’re…


The Four Rules of Money Success – Rule #1

Financial planning is about making your money work for you. Financial planning is NOT about products, or investments, or even deprivation. It’s not about feeling that you need to “do” something (like you need to do the laundry, or grocery shop, or change the sheets); instead, it’s about getting urgent about your results with money.…


Stop Freaking Out About Taxes

I do not prepare tax returns, but as a financial planner, I understand taxes and can help my clients with their tax strategy. And it’s that time of year when many of you are about to freak out about your tax return. Now is when all of those TV ads pop up, warning you that…
