How To Align Money Goals with Action

This week, I want to walk you through how to align your financial priorities with action. Why? Because it will completely change how you approach every aspect of your life that has to do with money. See, I firmly believe that the way personal finance is taught these days just sucks — and mostly doesn’t…


How to Curb the “Spendy” Vibe

You know how you go through phases where you just want to keep eating and grazing? I call that feeling “snacky.” Maybe something is going on internally, externally, whatever… but the point is, you might need to do behavioral things to get yourself OUT of that snacky habit. Same with spending. I have said before,…


How do you “do” money?

Have you heard the phrase, “How you do one thing is how you do everything”? It might be your outlook on life, or it might be ingrained behaviors, but whatever results or challenges you experience in “real” life might also be showing up in your money life. For example, a person who has a positive,…


Do you fear having more money?

I am going to pose a scenario. Don’t get caught up in the language… if you aren’t self-employed, or don’t work 1-to-1, just change the language to reflect what you do. Imagine an acquaintance contacts you. They say, “You do That Amazing Thing You Do better than anyone I have come across in recent history…


How to not fail at moneying

Nobody wants to fail.  Not consciously anyway. But sometimes not changing is easier than changing. We’ve all experienced this, right? It’s easier to stay in bed than get up and go for a run. It’s easier to leave our money in the old company 401k than figure out what to do with it. It’s easier…


What is Money Wisdom?

Over the many, many, MANY years I’ve been in financial services, I have learned some stuff. There are people who think they are “wise” about money and who might know some stuff, but who I wouldn’t consider wise. And there are people who feel clueless yet are doing very well. I like to compare this…


Is your brain wasting money for you?

We often think about our brains as the ultimate authority, the ultimate truth. But, as it turns out, sometimes they are big, fat, liars. They like things the way they are now — even if you have other goals to change your habits or create new ones. In fact, our brains will tell us some…


When financial advice doesn’t apply

Traditional money advice sometimes bugs the crap out of me. Imagine what we’ve been going through these past several months — nothing that “traditional” personal finance can really speak to there, right? So-called money experts often come up with these silly ideas that are supposed to help you get control of your money. Did you…
